SCET Launches New Global Online Courses in Leadership and Data for Professionals

The Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology at the University of California, Berkeley now has two new offerings for professionals and researchers around the world – Data-X Live, Online & Engineering Leadership Global.

Data-X Live, Online:
Develop new skills in this applied data science course

Data-X has been a highly popular course at UC Berkeley for a variety of majors. For Fall 2020, we will offer a professionals-only track that meets weekly in a live, virtual format, as part of our UpSkilling @ Berkeley theme for those in industry. The course is unique and popular due to the fact that it is a very practical, applied course that uses the latest data science, AI and machine learning tools, theories and libraries, while in parallel guiding teams through a “hands-on” innovation project to implement the teachings from the course.  At the end of one semester, professionals leave with a very real sense of how to use their new skills in an innovative manner within their own organizations. See more on Data-X Live, Online here.

Engineering Leadership Global:
Become a leader and grow your network

Our Engineering Leadership Professional Program (ELPP) has been running in Silicon Valley since 2011, and due to increasing global demand, this fall we will introduce a ELPP Global version of the course that will meet weekly, virtually. This will allow candidates from Asia, EU and other parts of the world to join over 600 alums from leading Silicon Valley firms to take the next step in their careers with learnings on advanced technology strategy, operational innovation, and improved leadership and communication.

For more information, please feel free to contact Jocelyn Weber Phipps.

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